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The Need to Knows: Heart Disease History

By December 30, 2020 No Comments

If you have heart disease, these are the need to knows that will help us get you the most accurate quotes for life insurance coverage:

  1. What year was this condition diagnosed? – If you’re unsure, approximate the number of years since it started.
  2. What prescriptions do you take to manage the condition?
  3. Have you ever had a heart attack?
    • If so, how long ago?
  4. Has blockage in an artery been discovered during a scan?
    • If so, what % of the artery(ies) was blocked?
  5. Have you had any stents placed?
    • If so, how many and when?  Was an angioplasty done with the stent placement?
  6. Have you had heart bypass surgery?
    • If yes, was is a single, double, triple, quadruple, quintuple?
  7. What follow-up testing has been done? (if you have not had follow up testing done since your last heart event, it is likely that most companies will postpone coverage until that testing is complete and they are able to review the results)
    • When was your most recent check up with your cardiologist?
    • Was it an EKG, Stress test, etc. What were the results?

If you do not know all this information, its okay.  We can still work with you and help you find the best policy for you, your health condition and your needs.  Again, the purpose of these questions is so we can put together the most accurate quotes for coverage – the more information available, the more accurate the quote.

We are licensed with over 30 top-rated insurance companies.  If you have heart disease or another health condition and would like to get a quote for coverage, please call us at 1-888-972-0024.

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