Medigap Plan L covers benefits in a unique manner than most other Medicare supplement plans, similar to plan K. This plan covers 100% of the Medicare Part A coinsurance and, after Medicare benefits are exhausted, hospital costs up to an additional 365 days. The insured is responsible for 75% of the Medicare Part A deductible, Medicare Part B coinsurance/copayment, the first 3 pints of blood, the Medicare Part A hospice care coinsurance/copayment, and the skilled nursing facility care coinsurance. The Part B deductible, Part B excess charges, and foreign travel emergency benefits are not covered under this plan.
After the yearly out-of-pocket limit and Part B deductible has been met, the Medigap plan will pay for 100% of covered services for the rest of the calendar year.
Plan L offers a higher premium than plan K in most areas, but features lower copayments and a lower maximum out-of-pocket limit.
Medigap Plan L covered benefits:
- 100% of Medicare Part A coinsurance plus coverage for 365 additional days after Medicare benefits are used up
- 75% of Medicare Part B coinsurance or copayment
- 75% of first 3 pints of blood
- 75 % of Part A hospice care coinsurance or copayment
- 75% of Part A deductible for hospital insurance
Medigap Plan L benefits not covered:
- Medicare Part B deductible
- Medicare Part B excess charges
- Foreign travel emergency (up to plan limits)
For questions about Medigap plans or if you would like a free quote comparison, please give us a call at 1-888-972-0024. Send us an e-mail by clicking here.