Lincoln Benefit Life is a subsidiary of the Allstate insurance company.  Featuring many new and unique products and features, Lincoln Benefit is quickly carving out a name for themselves as an industry leader.  The company maintains an A+ financial rating and currently offers the following products:

  • TrueTerm – Term life insurance fully guaranteed for a period of 10, 15, 20, or 30 years with the option to convert to permanent life insurance


  • Legacy Secure UL – Coverage guaranteed for life, competitive rates, excellent cash-value performance, and the Liquidity Guarantee Rider at no extra charge


  • Legacy Secure SL – Survivorship universal life insurance guaranteed for life and pays upon the death of the second insured.  Commonly used for estate tax planning or when one person is uninsurable on their own.  Issue age up to 90 years old, coverage available even if one person could not obtain an individual life insurance policy.  Estate Liquidity Rider included at no extra charge


  • GenBuilder SPUL – A single premium universal life insurance policy guaranteed for life, offering simplified underwriting, 10% annual withdrawals from cash value with no surrender charges, and a Payment Refund Guarantee

Lincoln Benefit Life offers some interesting programs that are not available through other insurance companies, such as:

  • Liquidity Guarantee Rider – On the Legacy Secure UL policies, the cash value is guaranteed to equal all premiums paid in year 20.  If you do not want to keep the policy, you can surrender it for a full refund of your premiums!


  • Estate Liquidity Rider – On the Legacy Secure SL policies, the cash value is guaranteed to equal 90% of the premiums paid after a period of only 10 years, and guaranteed to equal 100% of the premiums paid after 15 years.  If you do not want to keep the policy, you can surrender it for the full cash value


  • Payment Refund Guarantee – Available on the GenBuilder SPUL policy, you are guaranteed a full refund of the original premium paid if you surrender the policy.


  • Sherlock Underwriting Credits – Allows high-risk individuals to improve their risk classification by up to 4 “tables” (each table is equal to approximately a 25% difference in premium) with healthy lifestyle credits.  Preferred risk classes can also move to the Preferred Elite risk class.  These credits can help lower the cost of a permanent life insurance policy to nearly equal the cost of a regular term life insurance policy.

CLICK HERE if you would like to instantly compare quotes from Lincoln Benefit Life and more of the best life insurance companies. You can also give us a call at 1-888-972-0024 or CLICK HERE to send us an e-mail 24 hours a day.