Just about everyone is going to have a need for life insurance at some point in their lives.
For a child, many parents look into buying a small whole life policy (some with future increase option riders – periodic allowance to increase the face amount of the policy in their adult years) as there is no medical exam, given their age, and it can build up a good amount of cash value over the years.
When you’re an adult, you’ll likely have a number of expenses (such as a mortgage for a house, loans for cars, credit card debt, medical bills, burial expenses, etc.) that you would like to have paid off in the event of your death so your family doesn’t suffer financially due to the lost income and the burden of paying off your debts. Another common use is income replacement so your family can maintain their current lifestyle rather than having to make dramatic changes.
Many people may buy a life insurance policy for estate planning purposes.
In short, regardless of where you are in life, you will almost always have a need for coverage. We can help you with determining what’s an appropriate amount of coverage for your needs and help you through the entire process of securing coverage (everything from providing quotes to placing it in force and beyond!).