United Health One in Virginia offers a wide variety of plans to suit every budget and boasts the nation’s largest network (United Healthcare Choice Plus) owned by a single company.  The most affordable of these is the Co-pay Saver, which is most similar to traditional group health insurance benefits.  The plan features fixed co-payments for office visits and prescription drugs, options for lower deductibles, and low premiums.   WE STRONGLY RECOMMEND CO-PAY SELECT IF CONSIDERING THIS PLAN!  United Healthcare Copay Saver in Virginia includes the following benefits:

Deductibles – $1500, $2500, $5000, $7500, and $10,000 per person, maximum of two deductibles per family.  Benefits paid 70% after deductible.

Office Visits – $35 co-pay, two visits per year.

Lifetime Maximum
– Unlimited

Preventative Care for Children
– 100% before deductible, no waiting periods, co-payments or out of pocket expenses required for covered services.

Preventative Care for Adults and Children age 7 and up
– 100% before deductible, no waiting periods, co-payments or out of pocket expenses required for covered services.

Prescription Drugs
–  Generic drugs = $15 copay.  Brand name drugs not covered (we recommend Copay Select as a more comprehensive alternative).

Professional & Diagnostic Services
– 70% after deductible

Inpatient Services
– 70% after deductible Overnight hospital or facility stays.

Outpatient Services
– 70% after deductible.  Services without overnight stays.

Emergency Room Services
– 70% after deductible.  $500 copay required if not admitted.

Mental/nervous disorders, spinal/back disorders, other outpatient expenses – Not covered

Maternity – Not covered.

To compare United Health One Copay Saver with other plans available from United Health One or other Virginia health insurance companies, please click here or complete the short form below.  You can also e-mail us at [email protected] 24 hours a day or call 1-800-571-2980 between the hours of 9 AM and 9 PM eastern time.