Everyone has different needs when determining the health plan that’s right for them.  Kaiser Permanente plans feature a range of options so you can secure the coverage that’s right for you – each plan also includes dental and vision benefits.  These plans feature an HMO network and include more comprehensive benefits than before with a range of deductible and network options to suit everyone’s budgets. Preventative care is fully covered under each plan when you visit an in-network doctor.

There are two options to choose from under the gold plans. Below is a general overview of the benefits under each plan:


Kaiser Permanente: KP VA Gold 0/20/Dental

Click here to download the plan brochure

Network Type – HMO (Health Maintenance Organization)
Deductible Out-of-Pocket Limit Preventative Care Doctor Office Visits
Individual Family Individual Family 
$0 $0 $6,350 $12,700 Fully Covered

Primary Care Physician – $20 Copay

Specialist* – $40 Copay

Prescription Drug Coverage**
Generic Drugs Preferred Brand Non-Preferred Brand Specialty

Retail: $10 Copay

Mail Order: $20 Copay

Retail: $30 Copay

Mail Order: $90 Copay

30% Coinsurance

Retail: $30 Copay

Mail Order: $60 Copay













Kaiser Permanente: KP VA Gold 1000/20/Dental

Click here to download the plan brochure

Network Type – HMO (Health Maintenance Organization)
Deductible Out-of-Pocket Limit Preventative Care Doctor Office Visits
Individual Family Individual Family 
$1,000 $2,000 $6,350 $12,700 Fully Covered

Primary Care Physician – $20 Copay

Specialist* – $40 Copay

Prescription Drug Coverage** – $250 deductible for brand drugs
Generic Drugs Preferred Brand Non-Preferred Brand Specialty

Retail: $10 Copay

Mail Order: $20 Copay

Retail: $30 Copay

Mail Order: $60 Copay

20% Coinsurance after deductible

Retail: $30 Copay

Mail Order: $60 Copay














*You will need a referral to see a specialist under these plans

**Prescriptions filled at retail pharmacies are limited to a 30-day supply per filling.  Mail ordered prescriptions provide up to a 90-day supply per filling.


If you would like a free quote comparison or have any questions about health insurance plans, give us a call at 1-800-571-2980 or e-mail us at  [email protected].