CareFirst Blue Cross / Blue Shield has a guaranteed-issue health insurance policy for residents of Washington DC called the BlueChoice Open Enrollment plan.  You MUST be a Washington DC resident to enroll in this plan and provide proof of residency.  There is no waiting period for pre-existing conditions and no underwriting or health questions asked.  This policy is guaranteed issue regardless of health or pre-existing conditions.  Benefits for the BlueChoice HMO Open Enrollment plan in Washington DC are as follows:

Deductible – $0

– None

Annual out of pocket limit
– $2,500 for individuals, $5,000 for individual + child(ren), $5,000 for individual + spouse, $5,000 for families

Lifetime Maximum
– Unlimited

Office visits
– $10 for primary care physician, $20 for specialists

Preventative care – No charge

Prescriptions – $100 annual deductible, then $10 co-pay for Tier 1 (generics), $60 co-pay for Tier 2 (preferred brand name), $80 for Tier 3 (non-preferred brand name).

Emergency Room
– $50 co-pay (waived if admitted).  $20 co-pay for affiliated urgent care facilities.

Outpatient Lab/X-ray
– No charge

Outpatient Surgery
– $50 facility co-pay

Hospitalization – $500 co-pay per admission.  No charge for medical and surgical services or inpatient prescription drugs.

–  Prenatal and postnatal care not covered.  $500 co-pay for room and board.  Inpatient physician services not covered.  No charge for nursing care.

Click here to download the rate sheet. 

Click here to download the product brochure.


If you would like to apply for the CareFirst Open Enrollment policy, give us a call at 1-800-571-2980 to request an application, or send us an e-mail at [email protected].  This plan cannot be applied for online.Â