CareFirst Blue Cross / Blue Shield’s most comprehensive, lowest deductible plan is BlueChoice HMO.  These plans all have a $0 deductible, low co-payments for covered services, and no charge for preventative care.  There are three different plans – the $20/30 co-pay plan, $15/25 plan, and $10/20 plan.  The BlueChoice plan includes coverage for maternity benefits with no waiting period if you elect to add the maternity rider.  Benefits for the BlueChoice HMO $20/30 co-pay plan in Washington DC are as follows:

Deductible – $0

– None

Annual out of pocket limit
– $3,600 for individuals, $7,200 for individual + child(ren), $7,200 for individual + spouse, $11,000 for families

Lifetime Maximum
– Unlimited

Office visits
– $20 for primary care physician, $30 for specialists

Physical, Occupational, and Speech Therapy – $20 primary care, $30 specialist (up to 30 visits per year)

Preventative care – No charge

Prescriptions – $150 annual deductible, then $10 co-pay for Tier 1 (generics), $25 co-pay for Tier 2 (preferred brand name), $40 for Tier 3 (non-preferred brand name).

Emergency Room
– $50 co-pay (waived if admitted).  $30 co-pay for affiliated urgent care facilities.

Outpatient Lab/X-ray
– No charge

Outpatient Surgery
– $50 facility co-pay plus office visit co-pay if applicable

Hospitalization – $700 co-pay per admission.  No charge for medical and surgical services or inpatient prescription drugs.

Maternity office visits
(if maternity rider added) – Primary care $20 per visit (up to $200 per pregnancy), specialist $30 per visit (up to $300 per pregnancy).  $30 per visit to birthing center.

Maternity hospital stay (
labor & delivery, if maternity rider added) – $700 co-pay per admission.  No charge for delivery or nursing care.

To get an instant quote for CareFirst BlueChoice HMO and apply online, just click the banner at the top or bottom of the page to get started.  You can call us at 1-800-571-2980 between the hours of 9 AM and 9 PM eastern time if you have any questions, or e-mail us at [email protected] 24 hours a day.