CareFirst Blue Cross / Blue Shield’s most comprehensive, lowest deductible plan is BlueChoice HMO. These plans all have a $0 deductible, low co-payments for covered services, and no charge for preventative care. There are three different plans – the $20/30 co-pay plan, $15/25 plan, and $10/20 plan. The BlueChoice plan includes coverage for maternity benefits with no waiting period if you elect to add the maternity rider. Benefits for the BlueChoice HMO $15/25 co-pay plan in Washington DC are as follows:
Deductible – $0
Co-insurance – None
Annual out of pocket limit – $3,000 for individuals, $6,000 for individual + child(ren), $6,000 for individual + spouse, $9,000 for families
Lifetime Maximum – Unlimited
Office visits – $15 for primary care physician, $25for specialists
Physical, Occupational, and Speech Therapy – $15 primary care, $25 specialist (up to 30 visits per year)
Preventative care – No charge
Prescriptions – $100 annual deductible, then $10 co-pay for Tier 1 (generics), $25 co-pay for Tier 2 (preferred brand name), $40 for Tier 3 (non-preferred brand name).
Emergency Room – $50 co-pay (waived if admitted). $25 co-pay for affiliated urgent care facilities.
Outpatient Lab/X-ray – No charge
Outpatient Surgery – $50 facility co-pay plus office visit co-pay if applicable
Hospitalization – $500 co-pay per admission. No charge for medical and surgical services or inpatient prescription drugs.
Maternity office visits (if maternity rider added) – Primary care $15 per visit (up to $150 per pregnancy), specialist $25 per visit (up to $250 per pregnancy). $25 per visit to birthing center.
Maternity hospital stay (labor & delivery, if maternity rider added) – $500 co-pay per admission. No charge for delivery or nursing care.
To get an instant quote for CareFirst BlueChoice HMO $15/25 Co-pay Plan and apply online, just click the banner at the top or bottom of the page to get started. You can call us at 1-800-571-2980 between the hours of 9 AM and 9 PM eastern time or e-mail us at [email protected] 24 hours a day.