Care First Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Virginia serves areas of Northern Virginia that are east of Route 123.  This area includes the cities of Alexandria, Arlington, Springfield, Vienna, and parts of Fairfax.  One of the best plans from CareFirst is their BluePreferred HSA PPO plan, featuring lower premiums, a single deductible for the whole family, and no annual limit on prescription drugs.   BluePreferred HSA PPO includes the following benefits:

Deductibles – Choice of $1,200 or $2,700 for individuals and $2,400 or $5,400 for families.

Co-insurance – 80% after $1,200 deductible and 100% after $2,700 deductible.  Maximum out-of-pocket expense is $2,800 for the $1,200 deductible and $3,200 for the $2,700 deductible.  Double these amounts for plans with more than one person.

Office Visits – Co-payment of $30 after deductible.  Unlimited visits.  Urgent care is subject to deductible and co-insurance.

Lifetime Maximum
– Unlimited

Preventative Care – No charge

Prescription Drugs
– Brand name and generic both covered after deductible.  $10 co-pay for generic, $25 co-pay for preferred brand names, and $45 co-pay for non-preferred brand names.

Professional & Diagnostic Services
– Subject to deductible and co-insurance.

Inpatient Services
– Subject to deductible and co-insurance.

Outpatient Services
– Subject to deductible and co-insurance.

Emergency Room Services
– Subject to deductible and co-insurance.

Maternity – Not covered.  Maternity benefits available for an additional $126.00 per month.  10-month waiting period r

To compare quotes and apply online for CareFirst BluePreferred HSA PPO, just click the banner at the top or bottom of the page to get started.  You can also e-mail us at [email protected] 24 hours a day or call 1-800-571-2980 between the hours of 9 AM and 9 PM eastern time.