Everyone has different needs when determining the health plan that’s right for them.  Carefirst plans feature a range of options so you can secure the coverage that’s right for you.  The CareFirst BCBS BlueChoice Young Adult $6,350 plan is CareFirst’s catastrophic level health plan and features an HMO network. Below is a general overview of the benefits under the catastrophic plan:


CareFirst BCBS BlueChoice Young Adult $6,350

Network Type – HMO (Health Maintenance Organization)
Deductible Out-of-Pocket Limit
Individual Famly Individual Family
$6,350 $12,700 $6,350 $12,700
Preventative Care: Fully covered in-network
Doctor office visits: No charge after deductible
Prescription Drug Coverage: No charge after deductible










Click here to view additional benefits for CareFirst BCBS Affordable Care Act plans

Click on your state below to download a copy of the CareFirst BCBS health plans brochure:


If you would like a free quote comparison or have any questions about health insurance plans, give us a call at 1-800-571-2980 or e-mail us at [email protected].