TermInsuranceBrokers.com is licensed as an independent broker with Assurant Health.

Everyone is different – we all have our own needs, health, monetary budget, and desires when it comes to our health insurance coverage.  Assurant Health offers many options for health insurance plans helping you to find the coverage that’s right for you. Every plan features a PPO network, 100% covered in-network prevetative care, and annual eye exams and dental checkups for children under age 19.

With the new Affordable Care Act, each carrier created new health insurance plans for the marketplace that feature more comprehensive benefits than before. Assurant Health released plans for every level – catastrophic, bronze, silver, gold, and platinum. Assurant Health plans are only available off the health insurance exchanges – subsidies cannot be used towards these policies.

Assurant offers plans off the health insurance exchanges only – subsidies cannot be applied to these plans.

Click here to download Assurant Health’s plans brochure

Catastrophic plans are only available to individuals under age 30. This plan is an excellent choice for young adults who want to keep their premiums to the lowest possible level and are willing to share a larger portion of the costs in the event of an illness or injury. Assurant only offers one catastrophic plan:

  1. Assurant 1

Bronze plans are an excellent choice for those who want to keep their premiums low and still get a great level of protection. Assurant offers five options for their bronze plan:

  1. Bronze 1
  2. Bronze 2
  3. Bronze 3
  4. Bronze 4
  5. Bronze 5

Silver plans offer a nice balance for those who want a low premium and a low deductible. Assurant offers four options for their silver plan:

  1. Silver 1
  2. Silver 2
  3. Silver 3
  4. Silver 4

Gold plans are great for those who have predictable medical expenses, want a very low or no deductible, or simply want to limit the potential cost they may take on in the event of an illness or injury. Assurant offers two options for their gold plan:

  1. Gold 1
  2. Gold 2

Platinum plans are the elite plans and feature the greatest benefits. These are great for those who have predictable high medical expenses, do not want any deductible, or want to greatly limit what they may be responsible for on their medical bills in the event of an illness or injury. Assurant offers two options for their platinum plan:

  1. Platinum 1
  2. Platinum 2


Click on a plan above to see details


Click here for a free instant quote comparison of health insurance plans from Assurant Health and other top major medical insurance companies. If you have any questions about Assurant’s health insurance plans, give us a call at 1-800-571-2980 or e-mail us at [email protected].