TermInsuranceBrokers.com is licensed as an independent broker with Anthem Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Virginia. Our agent ID code is A00597-0385. Anthem recently introduced several new plans at a much lower price point than some of their older plans, while still offering the comprehensive benefits their members need and improving upon several key benefits. The new plans include additional deductible options to suit everyone’s budget, upgraded prescription benefits, and no charge for preventative care. Anthem SmartSense and SmartSense with Enhanced Drug are excellent choices to reduce premiums and still get the benefits a traditional health plan includes. Click here to download the plan brochure for both SmartSense plans (see pages 6-7). Anthem BCBS SmartSense and Smart Sense with Enhanced Drug include the following benefits:
Deductibles – Choice of $750, $1500, $2500, $3500, $5000, $7500, and $10,000. 30% co-insurance after deductible (0% for $10k deductible). One per person, maximum of two per family.
Co-insurance – 30% after chosen deductible (except for $10,000 deductible option). Maximum additional $3,500 out of pocket on top of the deductible (e.g. $750 deductible + $3,500 co-insurance maximum = $4,250 maximum out-of-pocket per year).
Office Visits – Co-payment of $35 for office visits. Three visits per year per person. Additional visits apply towards the deductible
Lifetime Maximum – Unlimited
Preventative Care – No charge when using in-network physicians
Prescription Drugs – Brand name and generic both covered, unlimited benefit. Requires $15 or 40% co-insurance, whichever is greater. As an example, a $100 prescription would have a $40 co-payment and a $200 prescription would have a $80 co-payment. SmartSense does not cover prescription that are not on Anthem’s formula. SmartSense with Enhanced Drug includes non-formulary prescription coverage. We strongly recommend purchasing the Enhanced Drug benefit.
Professional & Diagnostic Services – 30% or 0% co-insurance after deductible (depending on deductible chosen). These include but are not limited to x-rays, lab work, anesthesia, surgeon, etc.
Inpatient Services – 30% or 0% co-insurance after deductible. Overnight hospital or facility stays.
Outpatient Services – 30% or 0% co-insurance after deductible. Services without overnight stays.
Emergency Room Services – 30% or 0% co-insurance after deductible
Maternity – Not covered. Maternity benefits are not available with SmartSense. If interested in maternity benefits, please consider the Anthem Premier plan or Lumenos HSA Plus plan with $2,500 or higher deductible.
To get an instant quote and apply online for Anthem SmartSense and Smart Sense with Enhanced Drug, just click the banner at the top or bottom of the page. You can also e-mail us at [email protected] 24 hours a day or call 1-800-571-2980 between the hours of 9 AM and 9 PM eastern time.