TermInsuranceBrokers.com is licensed as an independent broker for Anthem Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Virginia.  Our Anthem agent ID code is A00597-0385.  Anthem offers a wide variety of health plans to fit every need and budget.  Blue Cross/Blue Shield is the largest network provider in Virginia with coverage at over 85% of physicians in the state and access to the national and international BlueCard network.  Anthem Lumenos HSA Plus is one of the lowest priced plans in Virginia that is compatible with a health savings account.  Lumenos is a great option for anyone interested in lowering their health insurance premiums or only wanting to insure against catastrophic loss.  Benefits include:

Deductibles – Choice of $1,500, $3,000, and $5,000 deductibles for individuals.  Choice of $3,000, $6,000, and $10,000 deductibles for families.  Benefits are paid 100% after deductible on $3k and $5k individual plans and $6k and $10k family plans.  One combined deductible for the whole family!  (Tip: For a two person policy, apply separately as individuals to limit your expenses for each person.  As an example, you can have a $3,000 deductible for each person instead of a combined $6,000 deductible.) 

Office Visits
– Subject to deductible and then paid either 80% or 100% by Anthem depending on your deductible level.  Unlimited visits.

Lifetime Maximum
– Unlimited

Preventative Care
– No charge when using in-network physicians

Prescription Drugs
– Brand name and generic both covered, unlimited benefit.  Subject to deductible, then paid 100% by Anthem for plans with $3k or $5k individual deductibles or $6k and $10k family deductibles.  Paid 80% after deductible for $1500 individual and $3k family deductibles.

Professional & Diagnostic Services
– 20% or 0% co-insurance after deductible (depending on deductible chosen).  These include but are not limited to x-rays, lab work, anesthesia, surgeon, etc.

Inpatient Services
– 20% or 0% co-insurance after deductible.  Overnight hospital or facility stays.

Outpatient Services
– 20% or 0% co-insurance after deductible.  Services without overnight stays.

Emergency Room Services
– 20% or 0% co-insurance after deductible

Maternity – Maternity benefits available for an additional $71.00 per month on deductibles of $3000 or higher.  Six month waiting period for maternity benefits to be payable with the optional rider.  Subject to deductible.

To get a quote and apply online for Anthem Lumenos HSA Plus, just click the banner at the top or bottom of the page.  You can also e-mail us at [email protected] 24 hours a day or call 1-800-571-2980 between the hours of 9 AM and 9 PM eastern time.