Term Insurance Brokers is located in Northern Virginia and has extensive knowledge of the individual market for Virginia health insurance plans. You can get an instant Virginia health insurance quote by clicking the heatlh insurance link above this article or at the bottom of the page.

Just getting a quote does not tell the whole story though. There are many considerations when purchasing family health insurance in Virginia, including, but not limited to the following:

  1. What type of coverage are you looking for?
  2. What is your monthly budget?
  3. Do you have health insurance available through an employer? If so, how much does it cost? What are the benefits?
  4. Are you more concerned with catastrophic expenses, or having each office visit covered with a fixed cost (known as a co-pay)?
  5. Do any applicants have pre-existing conditions? Individual health insurance requires a health application to be completed and every company has different underwriting. One company might exclude a condition that another company would charge standard rates for. How will you know which one is which? If you cannot qualify for individual health insurance due a pre-exisitng condition, you may be eligible for guaranteed Virginia HIPAA health insurance using HIPAA conversion rules.

As of September 2010, insurance companies can no longer deny children for health insurance coverage as long as they are enrolled with a parent.  Learn the specifics of the new rules for guaranteed Virginia health insurance for children.

Term Insurance Brokers is here to help you understand the coverage you buy and narrow down the plans that may work best for your specific needs.  We do not just provide online quotes, we are your agent and as your agent, we help with difficult underwriting matters, laying out the available options in an ever-changing market, keeping up to date with changes in the health insurance laws, and shopping your case whenever you feel it is necessary (if you received a rate increase, for example).


Virginia Health Insurance Companies Partnered with TermInsuranceBrokers.com

We are licensed as an independent broker with many of the top health insurance companies in Virginia. The carriers we offer coverage from include Anthem BCBS (Blue Cross/Blue Shield), CareFirst BCBS, United Health One, Humana, Assurant Health, Kaiser Permanente, Innovation Health, and Aetna. United Health One is the individual market subsidiary of Golden Rule / United Healthcare. Anthem is the BCBS company for anyone residing west of Route 123 in Northern Virginia, and Care First is the BCBS company for anyone residing east of Route 123.

The Virginia health insurance quote link can be helpful in getting started to compare plans offered by different companies. Health insurance is a complex product and it is our job to make sure you understand exactly what you are purchasing and answer any questions you might have.


How to Choose a Virginia Health Insurance Plan

The question we hear most often from our clients is “how do I know which policy to choose?” While there is no simple answer to that question, there are some ways to narrow down what you think is best. Regardless of underwriting, most Virginia health insurance policies are similar in structure. The key points to choosing a plan include:

  1. What is a deductible? This is the amount you would pay before receiving a benefit, unless specified otherwise.
  2. What is co-insurance? This is the percentage that the insurance company will pay AFTER the deductible. This number is usually 100%, 80%, 70%, or in some cases, 50%. If the insurance company pays 80%, that means you would owe 20% of the charges remaining.
  3. What is the maximum out of pocket expense? This is the most you will pay in total for the year, after which the insurance company pays 100%. Some services like prescription drugs are separate benefits and must always be paid for, even after you have reached the maximum OOP expense.
  4. What coverage is offered for prescription drugs? Some companies will have a fixed co-payment, such as $35 or $55 depending on the “tier” of drug. Other companies may require a fixed percentage co-payment, such as 40%. If there was a 40% co-pay and the drug cost $1,000, you would pay $400.
  5. Are there any limitations on coverage? Such as outpatient benefits or prescription drugs?
  6. What is the monthly premium? This is the amount you pay each month for your policy

With the ever-increasing cost of health insurance and many families raising their deductibles each year to keep the cost down, you may want to consider purchasing a WBA accident benefit plan to supplement your coverage. The WBA Accident Shield plan plan covers your whole family for up to $5,000, $7,500, or $10,000 of coverage per accident for a low monthly cost. Family coverage is available at the following rates:

$5,000 benefit – $35.00 per month or $385.00 if paid annually
$7,500 benefit – $41.00 per month or $451.00 if paid annually
$10,000 benefit – $47.00 per month or $517.00 if paid annually

Click here for more information on the WBA Accident Shield plan and to apply online.

If you have any questions about Virginia health insurance plans, or health insurance in other states, please feel free to give us a call at 1-800-571-2980 or e-mail us at [email protected] 24 hours a day. You can also click on the banner below to run a free instant quote comparison for health plans in your area.