Plans offer preventative care to help you stay healthy by providing different types of screenings and immunization shots.

All health plans on the exchange must cover the following list of services – they cannot charge the consumer a copayment or coinsurance when the services are completed by a network provider, regardless of whether you’ve met your annual deductible yet.

Screenings for:

1) Abdominal aortic aneurysm – this is a onetime screening for men who have never smoked.
2) Alcohol abuse – includes screening and counseling
3) Aspirin usage – geared towards helping to prevent cardiovascular disease in men and women
4) Blood pressure
5) Cholesterol
6) Colorectal cancer– screening for adults over age 50
7) Depression
8) Diabetes– for adults with high blood pressure
9) Diet counseling – for adults at a higher risk of a chronic disease
10) HIV screening – for adults ages 15-65
11) Obesity – screening and counseling for all adults
12) Sexually transmitted infections – prevention counseling
13) Syphilis
14) Tobacco use – screening for all adults and “quit smoking” interventions for tobacco users

Additional types of screenings are available to women:

1) Anemia – provided on a routine basis for pregnant women
2) Breast cancer mammography screenings (for women over age 40), genetic test counseling, and chemoprevention counseling.
3) Cervical cancer
4) Chlamydia infection
5) Contraception
6) Domestic and interpersonal violence – screening and counseling
7) Folic acid supplements for women who may become pregnant
8) Gestational diabetes
9) Gonorrhea
10) Hepatitis B
11) HPV (Human Papillomavirus) DNA test – every 3 years for women over age 30 with normal cytology results
12) Osteoporosis – screening for women over age 60 (depending on risk factors)
13) Rh Incompatibility – screening for pregnant women
14) Urinary tract or other infection – screening for pregnant women
15) Well-woman visits – getting recommended services for women under 65

Other screenings available for children:

1) Autism – screening for children between 18 and 24 months old
2) Behavioral assessments – for children up to age 17
3) Blood pressure – screening for children up to age 17
4) Cervical dysplasia – screening for sexually active females
5) Depression
6) Developmental screening – for children under age 3
7) Dyslipidemia
8) Fluoride chemoprevention supplements – for children without fluoride in their water sources
9) Gonorrhea prevention medication – for newborns’ eyes
10) Hearing – for all newborns
11) Height, weight, and body mass index measurements
12) Hematocrit or hemoglobin
13) Hemoglobinopathies or sickle cell
14) Hypothyroidism
15) Iron supplements – for children between the age of 6 to 12 months that are at risk of anemia
16) Lead – for children at risk of exposure
17) Obesity – screening and counseling
18) Oral health risk assessments – for children up to age 10
19) Phenylketonuria (PKU) – screening for the genetic disorder in newborns
20) Tuberculin testing
21) Vision screening

Covered immunization vaccine shots available under plans for:

1) Hepatitis A
2) Hepatitis B
3) Herpes Zostar (Shingles)
4) HPV (Human Papillomavirus)
5) Influenza (Flu)
6) Measles, Mumps, Rubella
7) Meningococcal
8) Pneumococcal
9) Tetanus, Diptheria, Pertussis (Whooping Cough)
10) Varicella (chicken pox)

If you have any questions about health insurance plans or would like a free quote comparison, please feel free to give us a call at 1-800-571-2980. You can also reach us by e-mail at [email protected] 24 hours a day.