Disability insurance is coverage that is usually kept for a long period of time.  Most people buy it when they are young and keep it until they are ready to retire. Since this is a long-term purchase, you want to make sure when buying a policy that the insurance company can NEVER raise the premiums for your basic policy. While exercising optional riders will incur additional cost, a non-cancellable disability insurance policy has premiums that are guaranteed not to increase and the company cannot change any provisions of the contract.
When shopping for disability insurance, make sure to purchase a policy that includes the most favorable contract terms and is non-cancellable. If your policy does not have the non-cancellable feature, the insurance company can raise your rates at any time, change the benefits, or change the disability requirements.
To get a quote for a disability insurance policy, give us a call at 1-888-972-0024 from 9 AM to 9 PM eastern time or CLICK HERE to send us an e-mail 24 hours a day. You can also complete the short form below. Due to the number of factors involved in quoting disability insurance, online instant quotes are not available.