TermInsuranceBrokers.com is licensed as an independent broker with Anthem Blue Cross/Blue Shield.  Our agent ID code is A00597-0385.  Please note that Keycare Flexible Choice is no longer open for new sales and has been replaced by the Anthem Premier health insurance plan as Anthem’s most comprehensive available option.

Anthem Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Virginia offers a wide variety of health plans to fit every need and budget.  Blue Cross/Blue Shield is the largest network provider in Virginia with coverage at over 85% of physicians in the state.  Anthem Keycare Flexible Choice is one of the most comprehensive and benefit-rich plans available from Anthem among the older-generation of products.  Click here to download the Keycare Flexible Choice plan brochure.  Benefits include:

Deductibles – Choice of $500, $1500, $2500, and $5000.  20% co-insurance after deductible for $500 and $1500 deductibles.  0% co-insurance for $2500 and $5000 deductibles.  One deductible per person, maximum of two per family.

Office Visits – Co-payment of $20 for primary care physicians and $30 for specialists ($2500 and $5000 deductibles).  Co-payments for $500 and $1500 deductibles are $30 and $40.  Unlimited visits.

Lifetime Maximum – $5,000,000 per person

Preventative Care for Children – Immunizations for children up to age 6 covered with 20% co-payment.  Upgraded child preventative care benefit available for an extra monthly cost.

Preventative Care for Adults and Children age 7 and up
– Office visit co-payment applies.  20% or 0% co-insurance for preventative screenings (depending on the screening).  Extra $150 per year benefit for labwork/x-rays/immunizations.

Prescription Drugs
  – Brand name and generic both covered, maximum benefit of $5,000 per year (excluding specialty drugs – these are not subject to the annual limit).  Requires $15 or 40% co-insurance, whichever is greater.  As an example, a $100 prescription would have a $40 co-payment and a $1,000 prescription would have a $400 co-payment.  Maximum out-of-pocket expense for specialty drugs is $500 per script and $10,000 per year.

Professional & Diagnostic Services
– 20% or 0% co-insurance after deductible (depending on deductible chosen).  These include but are not limited to x-rays, lab work, anesthesia, surgeon, etc.

Inpatient Services
– 20% or 0% co-insurance after deductible.  Overnight hospital or facility stays.

Outpatient Services
  – 20% or 0% co-insurance after deductible.  Services without overnight stays.

Emergency Room Services
– 20% or 0% co-insurance after deductible

Maternity – Complications of maternity covered.  Full maternity benefits available for an additional $71.00 per month on all deductible levels.  Six month waiting period for maternity benefits to be payable with the optional rider.

To compare Anthem Keycare Flexible Choice with other plans available from Anthem or other Virginia health insurance companies, please e-mail us by CLICKING HERE.   You can also call us at 1-888-972-0024 between the hours of 9 AM and 9 PM eastern time.